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Services Industry

The Indian government recognises the importance of encouraging growth in the services sector and offers a number of incentives in areas such as health care, communications, transportation, information technology, banking, finance, tourism, education, engineering, and management.

The services industry not only accounts for the major chunk of India’s GDP, but it has also attracted substantial foreign investment, contributed significantly to export, and created enormous numbers of jobs. The services sector in India covers a wide range of activities, including IT/ITES, logistics, financing, insurance, real estate, commercial services, community, public, and construction-related services.

The Indian government recognizes the importance of encouraging growth in the services sector and offers a number of incentives in areas such as health care, communications, transportation, information technology, banking, finance, tourism, education, engineering, and management.

Continued growth in this industry has created significant demand for a skilled workforce from entry-level jobs to executive level.

Our mission at QSS Global is to give the greatest level of service to both individuals and businesses.

We ensure the highest quality service because for every search, we guarantee honesty, integrity, punctuality, and diligence.

Our experts will not take shortcuts in order to make a recruitment.

We rely completely on the goodwill we've built in the marketplace, as well as referrals from happy customers.


The Indian IT/ITeS industry has had an unmatched impact on India. It has made a significant contribution to promoting India as a preferred investment destination for international investors, as well as producing a large number of job opportunities in India, the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world.


From employment legislation to data protection and foreign investment, the dynamic and rapidly expanding Indian legal market is reacting to the global economic and social problems of our times.


India possesses one of the most developed financial markets in the developing world. Commercial banks, insurance companies, NBFCs, pensions, mutual funds, and other smaller financial entities make up the industry.


One of the significant contributors to India's economic growth is the Logistics sector. It is essential to advancing almost all other industries, including infrastructure projects.